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Well-Being Week: The Morgan McKinley Way

We like to keep things a bit different at Morgan McKinley and of course, we have a bit of fun at the same time.

We like to keep things a bit different at Morgan McKinley and of course, we have a bit of fun at the same time. We recently had our Well-Being Week.

Recruitment is a busy industry which means that our recruiters and group support staff have a busy schedule. With our day-to-day responsibilities, it can easy to grab a quick and not-so-healthy bite when you’re on the run, or to get the bus home rather than walk. But last week was a little different for our Morgan McKinley staff. We spent the week encouraging our recruitment consultants and group support staff to try something a little bit different and to put the focus on their health habits as well as their work.

Each day had a different healthy theme and with it a different activity. Each of our offices took it on themselves to do something fun and different. In Australia they had a game of football and even a yoga class! Our Singapore office were encouraged to go for different foods and to reach for a packet of nuts or some fruit rather than a chocolate bar. In our UK offices, some of the recruiters decided to bake some gingerbread men! After all, you have to treat yourself once in a while don’t you?

It’s not just fresh food and exercise that can raise your well being, it’s focussing on others too. So, amongst our health activities and ideas, we ran some small fundraising initiatives which included donating food to Trussell Trust and raising some money for Rainbow Trust by threading eyebrows.

With emails every day jam packed with useful tips and great ideas to get fit and healthy, our recruiters and group support staff were armed with some great ideas for things to do. 

Why not do your own personal well-being week and try walking to work instead of grabbing the bus? Or why not volunteer for a local charity and see how rewarding it is to give back?

  • Sep 16, 2013
  • Careers , CSR
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