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My summer intern experience at Morgan McKinley London

My journey began on the 18th of July when I anxiously pressed the number seven in the lift and as I went ‘above and beyond’ Morgan McKinley’s floor I could only imagine what the next 6 weeks would bring.

Walking into the office and seeing faces I had never seen before was extremely daunting but it was also very exciting as little did I know; these faces were soon to be friends that I will never forget. 

During my time here at Morgan McKinley the main reason I wanted to complete my internship here is because I would have the experience of working on different desks and so gaining a broad knowledge of many fields so this will widen my career choices going forward.

My experience with the compliance team

My computer was set up, logins created and off I went to gain an insight into the compliance team and what they do. The compliance team were so lovely and really took me under their wing. Compliance was very interesting, as ensuring that candidates documents are genuine is very important and to have an insight into this was great! Once I had an understanding around compliance, I then took ownership of the referencing inbox and completed forms for candidates using our internal database. As the week went on I also got an insight into the CV Centre where I learned how to look for key experiences on a CV to decide whether a candidate would be good for a job opportunity.

My experience with the marketing recruitment team

On my second week at Morgan McKinley I started to feel more confident around the office and these unknown faces began to feel more familiar; nothing felt quite as daunting and big anymore! 

My next stop was the recruitment marketing team and here I gained an insight into candidate calling for marketing opportunities. I have never done something like this before but have always been a confident speaker. As my confidence grew on the phone I was able to recall more information from candidates which helped with finding out if candidates were open to new opportunities or if they were already in a marketing position.

My experience with the sales and HR recruitment teams

Next up was the Sales and HR recruitment desks where I had the pleasure of meeting the teams and John Taylor, Manager of the sales team, who really put me at ease and reassured me of my abilities. This really got me thinking about sales as a potential career path moving forward. 

I undertook candidate calling for the sales team and was able to create a hotlist for over 100 potential candidates. After I completed my two days here, John then said that he wanted me to come back to the sales team which really boosted my confidence doing sales massively. During the week I worked with Margot, Senior Consultant of the HR recruitment team. This is where I got my first taste as an interviewer as opposed to an interviewee. This was such great experience as I was able to distinguish what makes a good candidate.

On the Friday, I attended a charity event Roots and Shoots and this was lovely meeting new people in the office that I had not spoken to before and it was also nice to be giving something back to the London community. 

My experience with the UK, internal and global marketing teams

My final move was into the marketing department. Marketing was another career path that I was considering going forward and so receiving this experience was great. During my time with the marketing team I learned how to format and edit blogs, build emails, create videos and even tried my hand at design.

As I learnt a lot about design and creativity I thought I would share one of the videos I made: 5 tips on how a business can use Snapchat. 

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Overall, my experience here has been amazing and I could not be more thankful for this amazing opportunity of working life in the city at Morgan McKinley. I have learnt so much along the way and did not expect to learn as much as I have done. I would like to say a real big thank you as this experience has had such a large impact on my career path going forward. Also, the unknown faces have now turned into faces that I will now never forget and I have now made a strong relationship with the whole Morgan McKinley office.

Amy Fryer Summer Intern 2017

  • Aug 18, 2017
  • Careers , UK
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