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Bloomberg Mile Relay

Thanks to a last minute change of heart/case of race day nerves, and a sudden onset chest infection, the Morgan McKinley team seemed destined for failure or at least a bit of a handicap due to all the disruption.

However, thanks to the eleventh hour saviours Tamara and Jonty, we pulled together a fierce starting lineup that would rival Jamaica's 4x100 offering.

image-aThe weather gods were good to Team MMK, and we entered the race village dry, warm, and ready for action! A quick warm-up with the Virgin Active team saw our muscles prepped for action, and T-Hatt bravely entered the holding pen to start us off on the right foot. 

As the clocked ticked just past the 5 minute mark, Eloise readied herself for action and took the baton in a seamless handover. John was next up to the plate, and he and Asha put in fantastic PBs to carry the team to a solid middle order.

The bionic man aka JLaw didn't let a little thing like a torn ACL slow him down, and spectators near and far saw his sleek knee brace round the finish corner at breakneck speed! Tamara followed suit, ensuring MMK held its position near the top of the pack at the halfway mark.

Jonty lined up at the start line ready to demonstrate his impressive athleticism - and while the track was significantly shorter than his usual city-Manly route, his pacing was spot-on and we managed to jump significantly in the rankings.

You could cut the tension with a knife as Tuppers and Ruby approached the last couple of laps, but both reaped the benefits of their dedicated Virgin Active training and destroyed the competition. Sitting on 58 minutes heading into the final stretch, Jack Pope looked deep within himself to summon his last reserves - and as we watched that flash of red whip around the final corner, tears of joy blurred our eyes such that we almost missed the fairytale finish.

With a final time of 1:04:10, Run MMK took 15th place overall out of a field of more than 50 teams, and (yet to be confirmed, but we're pretty sure) 3rd place in the mixed teams division.

image-cElated, ecstatic, and truly exhausted, the runners indulged in a wine or four, and partied late into the night (i.e. 10.30pm, it was a Wednesday after all).
All-in-all a hugely successful event from all perspectives - many of us were approached by potential clients/candidates and asked about our business, Jack picked up a new client, and Ruby managed to rub shoulders with a senior contact in the strategy space (and then left him for dust on the running track).



Let's hope Morgan McKinley can field many more sporting teams for many more athletic events - here's to the next one!

  • Mar 21, 2017
  • Australia
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